Seinfeld: "I've been doing it for forty years..." 

The TM technique is an effortless, non-religious, science-based practice for stress reduction, heightened well-being and growth of consciousness. It's not concentration, common mantra meditation or trying to be mindful. And it works for you whether you believe in it or not, right from the startMORE ABOUT TM >>

 Next TM Course in Greenville: March 14
To register email or call 828-254-4350

Do other practices produce the same benefits?
Scientific research studies show that the different meditation techniques do not produce the same results as one another—or the same benefits as the TM technique... MORE >>

Course fees, payment plans, scholarships, grants, >> 

Is TM different from other forms of meditation? >>
Why learn TM when other meditation techniques cost less? >>
How to learn >> 
Already learned TM? Lifetime of free follow-up classes and support >>

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The Transcendental Meditation technique —  explained by quantum physicist John Hagelin and Dr. Norman Rosenthal, senior NIH researcher and Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School. WATCH

American Heart Association: TM best meditation for hypertension new report from the American Heart Association confirms that the Transcendental Meditation technique lowers blood pressure, and recommends the TM technique for the prevention and treatment of hypertension. Report from the AHA's journal Hypertension: "All other meditation techniques (including mindfulness) received a 'no benefit level of evidence.’ Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended.” MORE >> 

VIDEO (5:26): The TM technique effectively alleviates even the most intense stress—traumatic stress. The technique is being offered pro bono on a large scale to students, inner city youth, veterans with PTSD, the homeless and Native Americans on reservations.  WATCH

Dr. Oz on Transcendental Meditation

VIDEO (4:21): Dr. Mehmet Oz describes the benefits of the TM technique for individuals or an entire business. He explains why he practices the technique twice-daily, and why he offered the program to his family and his employees. WATCH

Maharishi explains the TM technique  

VIDEO (2:00): This effortless technique was long lost to society—even in India—until introduced in 1955 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who trained 40,000 teachers and founded meditation centers, schools and universities worldwide. WATCH

It's the process of the mind settling inward, beyond thinking, to the deepest level of human awareness—where the mind is silent yet wide awake to its full potentiality. In this state the body gains deep rest and the brain functions with greater coherence... MORE

But it's so hard to clear my mind of thoughts!
Ever try to meditate and find that your mind just doesn't want to settle down? How does one get to that most peaceful, rejuvenating state? MORE

Aren't all forms of meditation 'transcendental?'
Different forms of meditation engage the mind in different ways and produce different effectsand are not all designed for transcending... MORE

Quantum physicist John Hagelin explains the TM technique as a means to access the most fundamental field of order at the basis of nature's functioning—the unified field of natural law—which underlies not only the physical world but resides also deep within human consciousness. WATCH

The Asheville's TM Center's Women's Meditation Project offers classes especially for women—addressing women's needs and concerns. We hold regular meetings and group meditations, giving women the chance to facilitate their personal growth, make new friends and enjoy one another's company. WATCH


VIDEO: The TM technique for your business

Research studies show that when businesses offer employees the TM technique, job satisfaction and productivity improve. National Institutes of Health senior researcher Norman Rosenthal discusses the TM technique as a proven way to reduce workplace stress, increase creativity and boost performance. WATCH


Leading art college offers students Transcendental Meditation to reduce stress and facilitate creativity

The College for Creative Studies in Detroit, a recognized leader in art and design education, is offering its students the TM technique to fuel creativity and overcome stress. WATCH


The Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center in California is the one of the largest specialized clinics on the West Coast. Everyone who works there practices the TM technique. In this short video, the chief physician and his staff share the many ways in which TM practice transforms the workplace. WATCH

In Western culture, yoga has come to mean physical postures known as asana. In the tradition where yoga comes from, yoga is primarily about meditation. Not just any meditation—but a specific process known as transcending: 'union' of individual mind with the most expanded, fully awake state of human awareness. MORE

From Huffington Post: "The Key to Health and Happiness: A 'Lost' State of Consciousness?"

If we're hardwired to experience a natural, rejuvenating fourth state of consciousness, unlike waking, dreaming or sleep, what is the consequence of omitting this fourth state from daily life? What happens to our life when, through twice daily TM practice, we begin experiencing this rejuvenating fourth state twice a day?  MORE

Thousands of Buddhist monks in Asia learn Transcendental Meditation 
 More than 3,000 Buddhist monks in 100 monasteries, and hundreds of girls in a Buddhist girls' school, have learned the Transcendental Meditation technique. They have added the TM technique to their daily routine and practice it as an authentic, non-religious technique of "transcending.      


VIDEO: Legendary hip-hop impresario and philanthropist Russell Simmons, along with Robert Roth of the David Lynch Foundation, discuss the TM program for veterans with post traumatic stress. MORE

Oprah's "Next Chapter"

Oprah Winfrey takes her camera crew to Fairfield, Iowa, home of Maharishi University and Maharishi School, to explore this "meditation-based" community. She talks about her practice of the TM technique and about introducing it to her entire company of 900 people. WATCH (5:16) >>


Diving within: my first experience
by Tom Ball

Millions of people worldwide have learned the TM technique—and they all learned it in the same, simple, systematic way. Still, it's a deeply personal practice, and one that's yours forever—no one can take it away. Here's an account of one meditator's personal experience of learning the TM technique here in Asheville. MORE